Natural flea and tick treatment for dogsHow To Protect Your Dog From Fleas

Natural Flea Treatments

Those pesky fleas can be a nightmare for both our pooches and for us. They can cause real problems but they are easy to control with regular flea treatment. And you don’t need to reach for the chemical products sold to you by your Vet on a monthly basis.

Naturally Controlled

It has become so ingrained in us that these remedies are the right thing to do, month in and month out. Most of the commercial flea remedies contain chemicals that might be good at getting rid of fleas but at a cost to our dog’s health. Adverse skin reactions are common. Some will make your dog sore and uncomfortable. More frighteningly, the science says that these chemical remedies can make our dogs lethargic. As well as giving them chronic itching, depression or, even more worryingly, they can be linked to liver and kidney toxicity, lung tumours and other cancers and heart disease. If your dog already suffers from certain conditions, they are considered to be in a higher risk category of developing a serious chronic illness as a result of using chemical flea remedies.

Also, think about how some of these remedies work with consideration for our own health. For example, the flea collar. These are designed to release a toxic chemical onto our pet’s fur. It can also get on our bedding and possibly on the hands of our children. Insecticide ingredients are commonplace in flea treatments which can cause dizziness, vomiting and breathlessness in humans.

There are many natural products available to help. We recommend you try our Natural Flea Spray or Natural Flea Powder, both natural flea treatments are made from a combination of herbs to discourage any unwanted visitors without upsetting the tummy. We also offer a flea repellent product based on Neem Oil alone.

*Natural Flea Powder should be used as a preventative only, this is not a treatment.

*Natural Flea Spray can be used both for prevention OR if your dog already has fleas, can be used as a treatment.